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How to help prevent dental disease in rabbits

What changes can you make to your rabbit’s lifestyle to help minimise dental disease? First up DIET which plays a very important role. The diet should consist mainly of high-fibre, dust free hay. Not only does it keep teeth well worn, but it also plays a role in keeping the guts healthy.

Chewing is vital to keep teeth worn down and short, don’t forget those teeth continually grow! Hay will help hugely with those teeth. You can add in other foods to keep the diet interesting and varied. Herbs such as basil and mint, veg like broccoli and savoy cabbage, keep fruits as an occasional treat as they have a high sugar content, and feed a minimal number of pellets if you do feed them.

Next is the additional of safe CHEW TOYS, cardboard is one readily available option and will help with wear just ensure they do not consume large amounts of cardboard. There are safe woods such as willow or ash, that are great for your bunny to chew on. Toys also prevent boredom and add enrichment to their lives.

Finally regular dental checks by you as an owner and with your vet. You will only be able to see the incisor teeth, your vet will need to check the cheek teeth.

Make yourself aware of the signs of dental disease and if your rabbit is prone to problems, make daily dental checks.


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